count create all = 35700date create all = 16th March 2015 5th December 2015 / 16 28 Ukrainian oligarchs clash in court over $2bn business deal amid claims of murder and bribery Ukrainian oligarchs clash in court over $2bn business deal amid claims of murder and bribery Link Private 2015-12-31 1 Idea, thought, a piece of text, etc.1 My article284 0) 5th December 2015 1) 16 28 2) Ukrainian oligarchs clash in court over $2bn business deal amid claims of murder and bribery 3) 4) Ukrainian oligarchs clash in court over $2bn business deal amid claims of murder and bribery 5) 6) 10000000 7) 10000000 8) 7 9) 10000000000000000000 10) 2015-12-31 11) #000000