Stock and Financial markets / 176

Studying and teaching / 37

ПРОГРАМИ КВАЛІФІКАЦІЙНИХ КУРСІВ Асоціація заснована у травні 1991 р. як громадська

Stock and Financial markets

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
Studying and teaching
Company, organization&Government company, organization

"Investing Online For Dummies“ by Matt Krantz

Stock and Financial markets
"Investing Online For Dummies“ by Matt Krantz

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
Book or article
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World


Stock and Financial markets

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
Company, organization&Government company, organization

The Faculty of Finance, Insurance, Banking and Stock Exchange organizes several Master's programs

Stock and Financial markets
The Faculty of Finance, Insurance, Banking and Stock Exchange organizes several Master's programs

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

The ABCs of Trading on the Stock Market Online

Stock and Financial markets
The ABCs of Trading on the Stock Market Online

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

"Воспоминания биржевого спекулянта"

Stock and Financial markets
"Воспоминания биржевого спекулянта"

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
Book or article

Working Papers_Asli Demirgüç-Kunt

Stock and Financial markets
Working Papers_Asli Demirgüç-Kunt

Studying and teaching
Book or article
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

Prof. Dr. Dennis Vink

Stock and Financial markets
Prof. Dr. Dennis Vink

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

Кафедра первоначально носила название кафедры фондового рынка и финансового менеджмента.

Stock and Financial markets
Кафедра была образована в 1994 году и первоначально носила название кафедры фондового рынка и финансового менеджмента.

Studying and teaching
Company, organization&Government company, organization
Geo:Russia & other NIS

«Финансовая экономика» в МГИМО

Stock and Financial markets
Программа подготовки магистров «Финансовая экономика» была открыта в МГИМО в 2006 г. В

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
University or department (researcher, teacher)
Geo:Russia & other NIS

Программа курса Школы трейдера

Stock and Financial markets
Программа курса Школы трейдера

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
Site, forum

Рекомендую прочесть книгу Мошенского С.З. Рынок ценных бумаг Российской империи.

Stock and Financial markets
Рекомендую прочесть книгу Мошенского С.З. Рынок ценных бумаг Российской империи. Очень классная книга, с большим объемом информации про ценные бумаги России до 1917 года. Читаю, и всё интересней и интересней.

Много информации, которая перекликается с сегодняшним днем. История востока Украины, зарубежные инвестиции, индивидуальные инвесторы. Очень рекомендую. Данная книга будет полезна инвесторам.

Я читал Финансиста Теодора Драйзера, обожаю это время. Честно сказать, если бы был выбор, когда жить, я хотел бы жить именно в то время. В эпоху — Belle Epoque!

Время на рубеже девятнадцатого и двадцатого веков осталось в памяти современников как либеральная космополитическая «прекрасная эпоха» – Belle Epoque, когда мир, казалось бы, стал единым, а потоки капиталов, свободно (или почти свободно) текущие по миру, связали между собой различные страны, часто находящиеся на разных континентах, в единую финансовую систему, в которой, впрочем, было немало своих проблем и противоречий.

CREDIT SUISSE GLOBAL INVESTMENT RETURNS YEARBOOK 2015 похожие цифры, данные за 1899 и 2014 гг. – Россия на верхней картинке есть, а на нижней нет.

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
Geo:Russia & other NIS
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

Harnessing the Power of Growth Stocks

Stock and Financial markets
The late Benjamin Graham had a greater influence on the way stocks are analyzed, bought and sold than any other investor in the history of the stock market. While he has been referred to as the “Dean of Wall Street,” the “Father of Value Investing” and the “Father of Security Analysis,” all you really need to know about Graham is that he was the lifelong mentor of Warren Buffett. Buffet studied under Graham at Columbia University, then worked for him for two decades before striking out on his own to build his Berkshire Hathaway investment empire.

In 1962, Graham laid out a brilliant and unprecedented concrete formula and strategy for investing in growth stocks in his book, Security Analysis. That chapter disappeared in later editions of the book, but money manager Fredrick Martin, has used Graham’s formula and strategy in buying stocks with great success, earning an average annual return of more than 16 percent over a 30-year period. In Martin’s recent book, Benjamin Graham and the Power of Growth Stocks (fair disclosure: the course instructor had the privilege of helping to write and edit the book), Martin laid out Graham’s formula and the techniques Martin used to build his portfolio.

This Stock Trading Course will help you incorporate Graham’s and Martin’s investment formulas and strategies to help you build a potent portfolio of long-term growth stocks aimed at helping you beat the market and prepare for a secure retirement.

The “Stock Trading Course: Growth Stocks” course includes nearly 90 minutes of lecture with more than 50 slides designed to simplify the investment process. The “Stock Trading Course: Growth Stocks” will cover these topics:

1. Why choose growth stocks over value stocks

A. Defining a growth company and a value company

B. How investors profit from value stocks

C. How investors profit from growth stocks

D. Shortcomings of both types of stocks

E. Specific short-comings of value stocks

F. Specific short-comings of growth stocks

G. Summarizing the advantages of growth over value

2. Using Graham’s long lost stock valuation formula

A. What is Graham’s secret valuation formula

B. Examples of stock valuations for various types of stocks

C. Calculating today’s value

D. Calculating future value

E. Building a 7-year forecast

3. Making the purchase decision

A. Taking advantage of Mr. Market

B. What causes volatility?

C. Setting your target or hurdle rate

D. Calculating a fair purchase price

E. Incorporating an adequate “margin of safety”

F. Building a position in stages
Take this Stock Trading Course and discover the power of Growth Stocks.

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
Studying and teaching
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World


Stock and Financial markets

Individuals seeking employment in equity sales or trading roles on the sell side of the street (securities dealers)
Individuals seeking employment in trading roles on the buy side of the street (mutual funds, hedge funds and pension funds).
Junior traders on either the buy or sell side who want to advance their trading careers
Investment representatives on the retail side wanting to move to the institutional trading side.
Junior analysts and portfolio managers who want to learn more about the role of the equity trader
Candidates will gain increased credibility with employers helping them gain entry into and help advancement within equity trading or sales roles.
The learning objectives of this certificate program include:
Understanding capital markets and the features, benefits and risks of various investment products
Understanding the various types of derivative instruments and how they are priced
Utilizing both fundamental and technical analysis to evaluate investing and trading opportunities
Understanding the various Universal Market Integrity and Exchange rules
Identify the business, financial and compliance risks associated with managing an equity trading desk
Understand the techniques and regulatory requirements of mitigating those risks
Understand equity trading operations from the buy and sell side perspectives
Differentiate between market makers, agency traders and propriety traders
Understand the interaction and competitor/co-operator nature of trading
Identify the key attributes a buy-side firm looks for in an equity trading desk
Describe high frequency trading and its impact on equity markets

The only certificate of its kind, the Certificate in Equity Trading and Sales first provides candidates with knowledge in capital markets, fundamental and technical analysis and stock exchange rules. This strong base knowledge leads into an advanced understanding of the intricacies of agency trading, proprietary trading, and market making with particular emphasis on underlying risk management principles. Using realistic scenarios to provide a holistic view on the role of a trader, the CSI approach ensures candidates have the appropriate equity trading knowledge that is established by the competency profile. The Certificate in Equity Trading and Sales also signals to employers that students have the initiative to acquire a specialized credential. This formal recognition ultimately gives professionals the credibility expected by both employers and clients.

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
Studying and teaching
Company, organization&Government company, organization
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

Trader training course for journalists

Stock and Financial markets
Some 160,000 trades are made on the Swiss stock exchange every day. An average equity trade is executed in 0.000037 seconds. In our data center, the heart of the stock exchange, 12.5 billion instructions are processed every second. But how does the stock exchange work, what does a trader do and what happens when a trader decides to buy or sell equities?

SIX organises a trader training course for journalists every year, where media representatives have the opportunity to update their knowledge on the stock exchange. The program provides you with a trader training course that is in no way inferior to the course for professional traders which is subject to a fee.

Please find this year's presentation below. The next course will take place in december 2015.

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
Studying and teaching
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

Trialling 'learn to trade' stock market websites: can you get rich quick?

Stock and Financial markets
Can you really achieve 'financial freedom' by spending a few hours at a seminar on stock market investing? David Robinson joined fortune seekers at three 'learn to trade' schemes

Tony turned £3,000 into £47,000 in just nine weeks and has retired at the age of 50. Awia was a "bored mum", but is now earning a good living while being "100% there for the kids". Samet made 30% on this first trade, and each day his profits rise. These are just some of the glowing testimonials posted on "learn to trade" websites, which hold out the promise that anyone who spends just a few hours at a seminar can look forward to a future relaxing on luxury yachts in the Caribbean sipping strawberry daiquiris. All you have to do, it seems, is follow a few easy-to-apply trading strategies.

Almost every day in hotel suites across the UK a new crop of would-be stockmarket millionaires sit down to hear from the "professionals" the secrets of trading in stocks and currencies. Over the last few months I've been one of them. Not only that, I decided to put down some of my own money and see how far I'd get following the advice of the so-called experts.

What did the seminars tell me? That investing for the long term, buying low and selling high in the style of Warren Buffet, is old hat. Instead, I should jump into the world of "spread betting", going "long" and going "short", with mini-bursts of activity based on the zigzag of chart patterns. This, I was told, is the "recession proof" way to make money.

But relatively little time was spent actually teaching me about investing. Instead, I and my fellow attendees were encouraged to go on "elite" courses and "mentoring" programmes where we'd learn about how really to make big money – but at a cost of up to £13,000.

It left me feeling that the only people getting rich from the learn-to-trade industry were the learn-to-trade companies themselves.

But as an out-and-out beginner in the world of investment, I admit I have learnt a few things. I have begun trading, albeit with just £500. But am I making any money?

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
Studying and teaching
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

David Robinson, a journalist for the Guardian, came to our Stock Market

Stock and Financial markets
David Robinson, a journalist for the Guardian, came to our Stock Market seminar and started trading straight away.
Ok well not exactly, he did ask us a LOT of questions first.
In this week’s Weekly Words of Wealth, we explore how come he was able to make 3% immediately afterwards.

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
Studying and teaching
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

Marcus’ Weekly Words Of Wealth | What did they say about us in the Guardian?

Stock and Financial markets
Hi this is Marcus de Maria here with your weekly words of wealth taking you from where you are now to where you want to go in record time. Well normally I don’t read the newspapers so some people might be shocked to see me actually reading this, it is the Guardian newspaper and the reason that I am reading it is because we are featured in it. So it says, who wants to be a millionaire, if you want to look it up it is the 20-07-2013, in case 20th of July, and you will have it on Guardian online and whatever as well.

Who wants to be a millionaire? Can you really achieve financial freedom and your dream home or holiday by spending a few hours at a seminar on stock market investing? David Robinson joined would be, well the answer is no you can’t. Who is going to achieve financial freedom spending a few hours at a seminar on stock market? This is why I don’t read the newspapers by the way, just to be extremely clear because it is a lot of anyway what I like about this particular article is that they are talking about us Investment Mastery and two other competitors.

What I like about it is that I mean just to show you how it starts. I won’t mention the name of the company, but it says the name of that company, my journey begins by getting thrown out of the first event I attend that is how it starts, so basically look the bottom line is they slight I mean one of the other companies actually, has employees and former marketing directors of the company basically saying hmm, read the article it is very very interesting, we come out extremely well and then during the article, it is quite a large article he then says, let me read it to you here. Which page was it on, it is in the part of the money part of the Guardian okay, but you will be able to see it online I am sure. Just type in The Guardian and Investment Mastery and it will come up.He says so how did I get on, it was time to put what I had learnt into practice. My starting capital was a modest 500 so I’d opened this company account, blah blah blah and the guy makes 3% does that sound familiar. 3% which is what we teach, 3%. How did this absolute beginner go on you know we do the one day seminars and he came on a one day seminar and then make 3% on his entire portfolio tax free split button. What he doesn’t mention in there is that he asked whether he could spend some time with my traders in the trading room so and I know he didn’t do this with any of the other companies because they threw him out for a start right, but he actually spent half a day with Rishi okay, and then we gave him and as many of you know on our membership site we actually have stocks that the members are looking at, so we gave him some of those and they are the ones that he traded and that is why he made 3% on his entire portfolio because Investment Mastery taught him how to trade the buffalo strategy properly, that is what he used the buffalo strategy and he did it going long and short.

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
Studying and teaching
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

Stack Overflow на русском

Stock and Financial markets
Stack Overflow на русском — сайт вопросов и ответов для программистов. Совершенно бесплатный и без регистрации.

android × 88

java × 81
javascript × 78
c# × 71
php × 56
c++ × 52
html × 34
mysql × 31
jquery × 31
linux × 25
css × 22
python × 20
sql × 19
.net × 18

angularjs × 9
база-данных × 8
регулярные-выражения × 8
ajax × 8
sqlite × 7
assembler × 7
css3 × 7
ios × 7
python-3.x × 7
bash × 6
windows × 6
ruby-on-rails × 6 × 6
html5 × 6
массивы × 17
android-development × 17
c × 14
wpf × 14
node.js × 13
android-studio × 13алгоритм × 12
ubuntu × 12
xml × 11git × 6
postgresql × 6
android-sdk × 6
opencv × 5
xaml × 5
entity-framework × 5
unity3d × 5
qt × 5
winforms × 5
github × 5
chrome-extension × 5
wordpress × 5
json × 4
perl × 4
image × 4
kernel × 4
objective-c × 4 × 4
django × 4
centos × 4
nginx × 4
listview × 4
android-fragment × 4
все метки »

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
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Site, forum
Geo:Russia & other NIS

Запорожец как символ

Stock and Financial markets
Запорожец как символ

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World
Link to video(lessons and others)

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets

Stock and Financial markets
The Ukrainian financial and stock markets are very different from the European ones. On the other hand the studying of the ways of development and state of the art of European stock and financial market may be very useful for Ukrainians.
More than five years ago we have created a students' financial (investor's) club at our university. Our services:
• Investment joint education programs with Ukrainian Stock Exchange (,
• Seminars and round-table discussions in co-operation with brokers and investing companies.
The main form of our activity is the organization of special seminars and teaching a short course for beginners "The ABC of stock market and on-line trading". You can see the samples of this activity (photos and text in English) on We cooperate with Ukrainian Stock Exchange and with the professional participants of Ukrainian stock market (brokers and investment companies and others).
Now we are looking for foreign partners to create new Joint Short Program with focus on the comparative study of the stock and financial markets.
Title of the project (working version):
Development of the Joint Short Program for Lifelong Learning : "The ABC of the European stock and financial markets"

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching

Baltic Dry Index

Stock and Financial markets

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

Без лимита: как частный трейдер наторговал валютой на 42 млрд руб.

Stock and Financial markets
Без лимита: как частный трейдер наторговал валютой на 42 млрд руб.
344 40 Прочитали 28 044 раз
Частный трейдер Денис Громов Фото: Из личного архива
Читайте также
Без лимита: как частный трейдер наторговал валютой на 42 млрд руб.
Деньги для «Одноклассников»: как работает новый сервис денежных переводов
Вчера, 12:06
Начинающий частный трейдер из Казани в последний торговый день прошлого года умудрился провести сделки с валютой на бирже на 42 млрд руб, имея на счету всего 5,5 млн руб. и полностью разориться. Как это могло случиться?

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
Real trading
Geo:Russia & other NIS

Китайці виходять з капіталу Московської біржі – акції останньої впали на 7%

Stock and Financial markets
Акції Московської біржі впали на 7,2% після новин про вихід з капіталу російського торгового майданчика китайського фонду Chengdong.

Про це свідчать дані торгів, під час яких вартість акцій опускалася до 92,39 руб. за один папір, повідомляє

Китайський фонд Chengdong Investment вирішив продати свою частку в Московській біржі. Фонду належав міноритарний 5,2-відсотковий пакет російського торгового майданчика.

ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКОЖРосійський фондовий ринок обвалився слідом за нафтою і рублем

Операція оцінюється в 10,6 млрд руб., китайська компанія продає в цілому 119,1 млн акцій. Організатором угоди виступає Goldman Sachs.
Детальніше читайте на УНІАН:

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
Studying and teaching
Geo:Russia & other NIS
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

Stock Trading and Investing Forex Trading

Stock and Financial markets
Stock Trading and Investing
You can make money trading by investing in any of the Stock, Forex, Gold, Silver, Commodities and China markets, using simple, proven, low risk trading strategies.

Which market and strategy is right for you will depend on the amount of time you have available. If you don’t have much time, or that time is only at weekends, then investing in the Stock and Commodities Market is for you.

If you want to understand these markets and discover which strategy/market suits your income and life style needs, click on one of the events to the right.

Forex Trading
If you want to generate money fast, Trading the Forex Market is for you.

You can build yourself a full time income trading part time, using one of our simple, proven, low risk Forex trading strategies.

Trading the Forex Mark

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
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Company, organization&Government company, organization
Site, forum
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Link to video(lessons and others)

Покорить Уолл-стрит: как открыть брокерский счет в США Подробнее на РБК

Stock and Financial markets
Американский фондовый рынок дает частным инвесторам куда больше возможностей, чем российский. Услугами каких интернет-брокеров в США можно воспользоваться из России?
Капитализация российского рынка, составлявшая в 2015 году, по данным Bank of America Merrill Lynch, $415,89 млрд, сопоставима со стоимостью крупнейших американских компаний вроде Apple ($585,9 млрд) или Alphabet ($506,1). Удобство торговых программ и сервисов для частных инвесторов в России уступает западным аналогам примерно в той же мере.

По словам главы компании Valorence Advisors & Research Ильи Алхимова, трейдера с 15-летним стажем, торговые программы, которые предлагают российские брокеры, проигрывают западным сервисам в функциональности. Результат — всего 70 тыс. активных счетов частных инвесторов на бирже. Российские брокеры пытались предложить клиентам более простые сервисы, но пока не добились особенного успеха.

Подробнее на РБК:

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
Company, organization&Government company, organization
Geo:Russia & other NIS
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

Веселые качели: что происходит с акциями украинских компаний

Stock and Financial markets
На иностранных фондовых биржах торгуются 16 аграрных и 7 индустриальных компаний с активами в Украине. Из них 12 - на Варшавской фондовой бирже, 5 - на Лондонской, остальные компании торгуются на парижской, франкфуртской и стокгольмской площадках. Акции Синтала и Мрии сняты с листинга после дефолта, Agrokultura обменялась активами с МХП, и пока на бирже не торгуется.

Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
Studying and teaching
Company, organization&Government company, organization
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

Биржевое дело учебник 2013

Stock and Financial markets
Биржевое дело учебник 2013

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
Studying and teaching
Book or article
Geo:Russia & other NIS

Программа "Биржевое дело"

Stock and Financial markets
Программа "Биржевое дело"

Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
Studying and teaching

Биржевое дело - Резго Г.Я. - Учебник

Stock and Financial markets
Биржевое дело - Резго Г.Я. - Учебник
Скачать бесплатно учебник: Биржевое дело - Резго Г.Я.Год выпуска: 2003
Автор: Резго Г.Я., Кетова И.А.

Жанр: Финансы

Издательство: «Финансы и статистика»

Формат: DjVu

Качество: Отсканированные страницы

Количество страниц: 272

Описание: Курс «Биржевое дело» ставит своей целью не только ознакомить студентов с понятием биржи, ее функциями, техникой осуществления биржевых операций, но и показать роль и место биржи в рыночной экономике, тенденции развития биржевой торговли. Задачами курса являются изучение:
биржевых операций;
существующих способов котировки цен на биржевые товары;
порядка ведения биржевых торгов;
функций и задач посредников на биржах;
технологии формирования цепочки движения заказа от покупателя к продавцу на бирже.

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
Studying and teaching

Товарные биржи мира

Stock and Financial markets /trading-strategies/detailing-the-top-commodity-exchanges/ -Top Commodity Exchanges in the World /how-to/content/the-major-us-and-worldwide-commodity-exchanges.html The Major U.S. and Worldwide Commodity Exchanges D0%95_%D0%91%D0%98%D0%A0% D0%96%D0%98_%D0%9C%D0%98% D0%A0%D0%90_-_%D0%A2%D0%9E%D0%9F futuresinstitute

Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
Studying and teaching

Stock and Financial markets


The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
Real trading

Goldman: Vær forberedt til næste store aktienedtur

Stock and Financial markets
One month after Goldman strategists downgraded equities to neutral on growth and valuation concerns, the firm has turned up the heat on the bearish case with a report by Christian Mueller-Glissmann in which he says that equity drawdown risk “appears elevated” with S&P 500 trading near record high, valuations stretched, lackluster economic growth and yield investors being “forced up the risk curve to equities.”

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Stock Exchanges and other Exchanges
Studying and teaching

Stock and Financial markets

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching

Stock and Financial markets

The ABC of the European stock and financial markets
Studying and teaching
Geo:Geo:Europe & USA & World

Stock and Financial markets

Studying and teaching

Индия Курс по ФР

Stock and Financial markets
Stock markets, trading, and investments – Simplified
Varsity is an easy to grasp collection of stock market lessons with in-depth coverage and illustrations. Brought to you by Zerodha, India's biggest discount stock broker, it is completely open and FREE to access.
1. Introduction to Stock Markets
14 chapters
Money needs to be invested to cover the cost of Inflation. This opens us to the Stock Markets, learn about basics of investing in this module
2. Technical Analysis
20 chapters
Technical Analysis helps identify trading opportunities using actions of Market Participants through charts, patterns, and indicators.
3. Fundamental Analysis
16 chapters
Fundamental Analysis is the art of evaluating the intrinsic value of a stock to find long-term investing opportunities. Learn stock analysis in this module
4. Futures Trading
12 chapters
Futures Trading involves trading in contracts in the derivatives markets. This module covers the various intricacies involved in undergoing a futures trade including margins, leverages, pricing, etc

5. Options Theory for Professional Trading
23 chapters
Options is a contract where the price of the options is based on an underlying. Options contracts grant the buyer the right to buy the underlying without a compulsory obligation
6. Option Strategies
13 chapters
The module covers various options strategies that can be built with a multi-dimensional approach based on Market trend involving Option Greeks, Risk-Return, etc.7. Markets and Taxation
7 chapters
The module covers the taxation aspect of investing/trading in the stock markets. The process of calculating P&L, payment of taxes, filing returns, etc. is explained
8. Currency & Commodity Futures
18 chapters
This module covers Currency and Commodity contract offered in the Indian Markets, along with a detailed view of some of the most traded contracts in the segment
9. Risk Management & Trading Psychology
16 chapters
The module covers the risk management aspect along with the psychology required for being consistent and profitable while trading
10. Trading Systems
10 chapters

Studying and teaching

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