* Type of the news:

     Link    k= 11.
     MY TEXTS + MY PROGRAMMS    k= 0.
     Link to video(lessons and others)    k= 1.
     Person    k= 0.
     Organization    k= 0.
     Diary (Short & Long)    k= 0.
     Open news    k= 1.
     Lessons    k= 0.
     All    k= 0.

* Category of the new ( may be 1 or more than 1):

     1 Idea, thought, a piece of text, etc.    k= 11.
     1 My article    k= 1.
     My piece of text    k= 0.
     Personality    k= 1.
     Diary Wealth    k= 0.
     Diary Health    k= 0.
     Diary Eating    k= 0.
     Diary Ord    k= 0.
     Diary Progr    k= 0.
     Diary Work    k= 0.
     Government company, organization     k= 0.
     Site, forum    k= 0.
     Book or article    k= 0.
     Geo:NMAU    k= 0.
     Geo:Dnepr    k= 0.
     Geo:Ukraine    k= 1.
     Geo:Kiev    k= 0.
     Geo:Europe    k= 0.
     Geo:USA    k= 0.
     Geo:World    k= 1.
     All    k= 0.

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